by Lisa Campbell
In news about your health, or perhaps your mom’s on this Mother’s Day, try a good cup of tea. Operative word, good. There are lots of types of flavors, including the once basic green.
“The thought was that there was just one type of tea but there are different varieties of different green teas to experience with different nuances and aromas and taste profiles. I think that’s what so many people are very excited to discover.” -Rona Tison, ITO EN
Maria Uspenski wrote the book Cancer Hates Tea and says the antioxidants in it really do help.
“I view them as an army of soldiers that I’m bringing in. It’s literally tens of thousands of times each day that antioxidants come to our rescue and set things straight.” -Maria Uspenski
The founder of The Tea Spot in Colorado says it’s a great gift for moms today to protect her as she once protected you.
By the way, the generations drinking the most tea? Both millennials and baby boomers.
Researchers now say the benefits of tea are unquestioned. Maria Uspenski says it’s all about the antioxidants.
“Antioxidants, in general, are substances that are present in plants. And plants aren’t equipped with an immune system like we are but they have other ways of warding off incoming threats, be that pests or be that disease.” -Maria Uspenski
Uspenski wrote the book Cancer Hates Tea. She says it’s a beverage that’s certified to protect your health whether you’re suffering from any disease or not.