As fall rolls in bringing with it colder temperatures, shorter days, and holidays, it also acts as a reminder to keep an eye on our health. Whether you are prepping your body for transitioning into the fall holiday season, the shifts in time, or for the inevitable colds, here at The Tea Spot we’ve got you covered. Our handcrafted wellness teas will not only soothe your soul but provide you with an ample dose of natural health benefits to help you get through this season without a hitch!
Cold-Fighting Tea

What is fall synonymous with in your book? If it’s cold & flu season then you’ve come to the right tea spot! Our Cold Buster with Tulsi is jam-packed with herbal ingredients known for their immune-supportive qualities. Tulsi is known as the “Queen of Herbs” in India and revered for its vast array of medicinal properties from anti-microbial to anti-inflammatory. It acts as an adaptogen by bringing your body to homeostasis and reducing the effects of stress. Rose hips, orange peel, and lemon peel will give you that extra boost of vitamin C, to ensure that your immune system is functioning at its peak.
Sleep-Promoting Tea
Sleep is one of the most crucial components to a robust immune system, as sleep deprivation has been shown to decrease immune function and overall health. Here at The Tea Spot, we formulated Lights Out tea with lavender, chamomile, and valerian root to give you the triple threat in stress-reduction and sleep-promotion. Valerian root, in particular, is thought to work by increasing GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) levels in the brain, which has a calming effect on the nervous system and can also be beneficial for those suffering from anxiety. Chamomile’s natural sedative properties are linked to two flavonoids, apigenin and chrysin, and in combination with valerian root, have been used for centuries dating back to Roman times! With roots like these, you can rest assured that you will be getting in plenty of Zzz’s this fall.
Detoxifying Wellness Teas
Summer brings with it wedding season, barbecue time, family gatherings, and the occasional one-too-many hotdogs or slices of cake. For many of us, that can leave us feeling heavy and low in energy with our bodies focusing on removing toxins and reducing inflammation rather than gearing up for potential colds and flu attacks. In order to keep our immunity up we need to make sure we are keeping stress low, sleeping well, and keeping our digestive gut in check.
Integrating our Gentle Tea Cleanse set into your daily routine is an easy way to aid your body during seasonal transitions. Each set comes with 3 different teas- Tea Break, Flat Belly, and Twilight Rose. Please note that we do encourage you to eat a healthy diet during this gentle cleanse, and to use the teas as a delicious way to replace high-calorie, sugar-loaded, or alcoholic beverages to encourage your body’s natural cleansing mechanisms. Start your day with Tea Break, as it acts like an herbal coffee alternative with an earthy base of rooibos tea and barley while also being caffeine-free. Rooibos tea is not only a delicious, healthy alternative to coffee but it contains a number of flavonoids such as quercetin, known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant capabilities, as well as orientin and luteolin, which have been shown to increase mineral content in bones. In addition, rooibos also contains aspalathin, an antioxidant that can help balance blood sugar and has been shown to have antidiabetic properties.
As energy fades throughout your day, you may feel inclined to reach for that platter of cookies, but with our Flat Belly tea, you can choose to not only curb your midday cravings, but also aid your digestion with natural ingredients such as licorice root and peppermint. In particular, glycyrrhetinic acid is one of the main bioactive compounds in licorice root which is known to soothe gastrointestinal problems due its the anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties. The natural sweetness of licorice root, mixed with the tart notes of hibiscus and the cooling sensation of peppermint will keep both your taste buds and belly happy.
To finish off your daily cleanse before you head to bed, try our Twilight Rose tea with digestive aiding ingredients such as fennel and lemon verbena and kidney detoxifying lemongrass.
Unfortunately, our Twilight Rose is on track to be discontinued. Currently, it’s only available in our Gentle Tea Cleanse and our 7-Day Tea Cleanse. If you’re looking for a good sleepy time tea, try our Lights Out blend!
I cannot find Twilight Rose tea leaves. I recently experienced this lovely tea at a friend’s luncheon. Please advise. Thank you. Caryl Mann