These teapots have legs!

As Steepware designer for The Tea Spot, I have the opportunity to create unique and exciting tea steeping vessels of beauty and function. I wake every morning excited about the challenges of the day. We take our mission to make loose leaf tea an everyday luxury very much to heart. On this cloudless, beautiful Colorado morning, I steeped up some calming Snowflakes white tea – delicate, downy fresh tea leaves (yesterday was a rough day, so I need no extra caffeine this morning!) in my favorite blue Steeping Cup. Thinking forward to our next Steepware innovations, I look to traditional tea vessels for inspiration, and work on how to integrate function and modern materials into their concepts.

Teapots with legs have always fascinated me! Is it because they are more people or animal-like…? In the Shanghai Museum, there are a few very cool legged tea vessels – and these are some of my “muses” for future Steepware designs.

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