New Year, New You.
We have the teas to help!
Goodbye 2017 . . . Hello 2018! I’m not sure about you, but my New Year’s resolution always revolves around being healthier! This year, after reading Maria’s book Cancer Hates Tea, I really feel moved to up my green tea intake. I drink quite a bit of tea every day (working at The tea Spot definitely has its perks!), but I have been shying away from green teas for a while now. With everyone’s new year’s resolutions coming out of the woodwork, one of the ones that I have heard people struggle with the most is truly enjoying drinking green tea.
Green tea is too bitter!
- My tea tastes like grass!
- I just don’t know how to make it!
- Loose leaf seems like such a hassle!
All of these concerns are completely valid . . . Until you learn the secret of making amazing green tea!
Water Temperature – This is hands down the easiest one to play with and see how it affects the final taste of your tea! If you are using boiling water, it will scald the green tea leaves and turn them bitter instantly. Try using 175F or so (let your water boil and then cool for 5-7 minutes), and see what a difference it makes! This method will reduce the bitterness as well as the astringency (drying sensation in your mouth, like when drinking a dry red wine). Each tea and each person have their own preferences, so play around and experiment! Some Japanese green teas like even cooler temps!
Time – The second factor to keep in mind is how long you are brewing your tea. Try brewing for no more than 3 minutes (unless you are cold brewing–in that case, steep on!). If that is still too strong, try 2:30min, 2min, 1:30min . . . until you find the sweet spot! If you like your tea stronger, try using more tea leaf rather than steeping it longer. The longer it steeps, the more bitter it gets and the more flavor it loses.
Tea leaf quantity– As mentioned above, steeping tea longer doesn’t always make it stronger, sadly enough. Tea leaf quantity will ultimately determine tea strength! Using 1tsp of tea per 8oz of water is a great place to start, but feel free to increase or decrease that teaspoonage to make your perfect cup of tea!
Types of Green Tea – All green tea does not taste the same, so here are a few tips and tricks to help you navigate all the different styles:
Chinese green teas will be more vegetal and nutty, not really grassy at all. Think closer to a very light vegetable broth. Dragonwell is a good one to start with! |
Japanese green teas will be much more grassy and umami (savory). Think of seaweed or what might go well with sushi. Sencha is a good example! |
Last but not least: “loose leaf is messy.” The Tea Spot just launched Single Serving packs, individually wrapped, so that you can take tea on the go without he hassle. The little packs keep your tea fresh, and you can just tear and pour the leaves into you favorite tumbler or mug with an infuser! No infuser? No problem! Paper filter bags were made to make life easy. Simply fill, use to brew (some teas can re-brew multiple times!), and discard after you are done. Easy peasy!
Not sure which teas to try? We’ve got you: our Organic Green Tea Sampler has a little bit of everything! Find what you love, and let us know what your new (or old!) favorite green teas are in the comments section!
A fun and easy way to try new green teas!