Steep It Loose

Lapsang Souchong Braised Lamb

To celebrate Celestial Seasonings 40th year anniversary, Cindy Sutter, food editor for Daily Camera, wrote a tea-licious article entitled Kitchen teatime: Cooking up some tea-full recipes. She featured my Casanova Sliders, Green Roasted Tea Smoked Salmon, Corn off the Cob Quinoa Salad, Mango Tango Grilled Pineapple & Boulder Blues Muddler. Photo by MARTY CAIVANO Along…

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Iced Tea

37,000 cups and counting…

I’m coming up on my 3-year anniversary with Tea Spot as well as my 3-year anniversary/ introduction to loose, whole leaf tea. Before I was introduced to tea in it’s loose, whole leaf form I simply knew of it as the iced beverage with loads of sugar and lemon that my grandmother frequently served at…

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Just a simple teapot? No way!

The other day my coworker and I were chatting about teapots and how they’re oftentimes a very coveted item. I don’t currently own a teapot (gasp!) and think of them as a pretty utilitarian item. Obviously I was wrong. There is an incredible obsession with teapots, not only buying unique kinds, but designing them as…

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Season your food with Tea

TEAS Your Food: Tea + Seasonings = Tea-sonings

One of the easiest ways to get rid of all that tea in your pantry that you promised your husband you’d drink is to use it as a culinary ingredient. Cooking with tea is as old as its history. The ancient Chinese stuffed and steamed fish withoolong leaves; they smoked duck with tea leaves; they…

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