Steep It Loose
Simply Adorable! A hidden gem of a coffee shop found in Lafayette, CO
So in my constant search to find the best coffee shops, roasters and tea shops to work with, I came across a new coffee shop I had never heard of called Mojo’s Coffeehouse, located right near us in Lafayette, Colorado. I tried to find some information about the coffee shop and the best source I…
Big Thanks to Steven Knoerr of 39 Steeps!
Tea enthusiast Steven Knoerr recently reviewed our Green Twisted Spears on his tea blog 39 Steeps. This particular tea is an Organic & Fair Trade certified loose green tea from Sri Lanka – a region that has traditionally produced black teas, black ceylons. He discusses the leaves, the tea, the preparation, the cup, and his…
Tea and Honey
It’s noticeable, that particularly in Europe, people tend to think about sweetening their tea with honey.I can’t remember the last time someone brought me some honey with my coffee, and this got me wondering why… does sweetening tea with honey really work better than sugar?I think the answer lies in that the subtlety of tea…
Simply Historic: The Boston Tea Party
Just the other night when I was watching a movie I couldn’t believe how many times “going for coffee” was mentioned as a double entendre for going on a date, for work meetings and just meeting anyone in general! “Grabbing a coffee” is truly imbedded in our society as a social activity that goes way…
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