Steep It Loose

Herbal Infusions

Herbal Infusions

This week’s subject dives into the realm of herbal tisanes. An herbal “tea,” or tisane, is technically anything you steep that does not contain the actual Camelia Sinensis tea plant in it. For experts and tea snoots, an herbal tea is really not tea at all, hence the term “herbal infusion.” For thousands of years,…

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Oh man it's hot

Oh Man, It’s Abnormally Hot

Today finds me too hot to really think clearly. All I can think about is how rad it would be if we bought one of those big plastic kiddie pools and filled it with iced peppermint tea and went for a swim. Seriously, that might be the best idea I have had all summer. Or…

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Get Yer Slurp On!

Tea Tasting: Get Yer Slurp On!

We’ve been having a blast over here tasting new teas from this spring. It’s a process full of precision and personal preference, and the perfect break to the work day! If you’re curious about the tea tasting process, it’s comparable to wine tasting. And just as fun to do with friends! It goes something like…

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Crash Course in Tea Storage

Crash Course in Tea Storage

This might not be the most groundbreaking of blogs, but I think it is important nonetheless, because as my favorite cliché goes, knowledge is power. Storing your tea correctly is imperative to ensure that it maintains maximum flavor and freshness. We opened a random tin of peach rooibos last week that had a skimming of…

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