Steep It Loose

Organic Blue Mountain Nilgiri

Organic Blue Mountain Nilgiri

This Saturday was definitely tea party material. It was a lovely week; the sun was out, and it reached nearly 60 degrees on Friday–a spring boon in frigid Boston. And, of course, two days later, as the steady supply of dirty snowpack melted almost completely, the snow falls yet again–a fresh 8 to 12-inch supply…

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These teapots have legs!

As Steepware designer for The Tea Spot, I have the opportunity to create unique and exciting tea steeping vessels of beauty and function. I wake every morning excited about the challenges of the day. We take our mission to make loose leaf tea an everyday luxury very much to heart. On this cloudless, beautiful Colorado…

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Sencha Tea

Night of Sex or Cup of Tea?

A great statistic about love UK-style, quotes a poll recently conducted by YouGov for UK Craigslist: YouGov asked 541 single Brits how far they agreed with the following statement: ‘If I like someone on a first date, I would rather end the date with a nice cup of tea, coffee or other warm drink than…

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Red Rocks Tea

Simple Steps to Improving your Rooibos Tea

If you’re new to loose leaf tea, seeing particles of your tea floating around in your cup isn’t necessarily appealing to look at let alone drink. We’re a culture that is used to bag tea, no muss, no fuss, nothing floating around in your drink. The tea, or rather teasane, that is the worst culprit…

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